About Us

Lagoon Pumping & Dredging, Inc.

Lagoon Pumping & Dredging, Inc. is in the lagoon services business.  This includes bulding, restoring, remediating, pumping, dredging, excavating Agriculture, Municipal, Industrial and Commercial lagoons.

Lagoon Pumping & Dredging (LPD) is a family owned business with seven family members directly working in the business.  Aaron Ross, Sr. is the CEO and president of the business and has been in the irrigation and pumping business for over 40 years. In 2003 he established Lagoon Pumping and Dredging, Inc. as a dedicated company to cleaning out lagoons and incorporating the effluent directly into the ground using the drag line method.

LPD is a family business in which includes his 2 sons, brother-in-law and several nephews. 

LPD also includes all of their customers, vendors, and all employees who work for them and considers them as part of their larger extended family as an important part of their business.

LPD services lakes, lagoons and manure pits in the whole Midwest USA. From Minnesota to Texas and all states in-between. From the Rocky mountains to the Eastern side of Iowa all the way south to Mississippi.  We do go outside of our traditional trade area if the job is large enough to absorb the mobilization costs. While our pumping and dredging fees are very reasonable, the mobilization charges on smaller jobs outside of our normal trade area may cause our cost to you to be higher than a closer provider.

LPD currently has five crews with multiple shifts; some which are able to pump 24 hours a day as long as the ground is free of frost and crops are off the agriculture ground in which the effluent is being pumped. The lagoon slurry or effluent is pumped at 150 to 180 psi through 8 and 10 inch supply lines to field that are up to five miles away. Typical application goal is 2000 to 2500 gallons per minute. This makes for a very fast and cost effective way to clean your lagoons.

The effluent contains nutrients that are very valuable and supply much of the needed N-P-K nutrients for crop production. The liquid manure effluent has organic nutrients that are available for up to 3 years after incorporation. With soil testing by your agronomist you can augment additional Nitrogen or Anhydrous in years 2 and 3 to meet the needs of your crop rotation.

LPD will be happy to come out to your lagoon site and give you a FREE lagoon analysis (samples taken and certified lab analysis provided) and an estimate on the cost, hose layouts, and the best way to reduce or eliminate your build up of solids.

Effluent or manure slurry's are sampled for each 30 to 40 acre field layouts and you will receive a certified lab analysis of the product incorporated. You can use this information to determine what additional (if necessary) N-P-K nutrients are necessary for your crop production.

LPD specializes in large and unique lagoons that are too big, to thick of solids or too complicated for most pumpers. LPD can pump, dredge or excavate the manure solids or waste water from the lagoons or pits. There is no job too big or too small. We can do it all.

Download the Brochures

Please allow a few minutes to download these brochures as they are full resolution and can take several minutes or longer; especially if you have a poor internet connection.

Lagoon Pumping - Agriculture Brochure
Lagoon Pumping - Agriculture Flyer.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [19.4 MB]
Lagoon Pumping - Commercial, Industrial, and Municipal Flyer
Lagoon Pumping - Commercial Flyer.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [21.8 MB]
Lagoon Pumping - A summary of how and what Lagoon Pumping does!
LagoonPumpingfinal 2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [9.0 MB]

Lagoon Pumping & Dredging, Inc.

For information, quotes and sales: Call the representative for your area:

    North East: NE, SD, IA, N-MO, NE-KS: (402) 270-1366 (Brian Jakub)

    South West: W-TX, NM, W-OK, CO, WY, MT, W-KS: (763) 355-4099  (Steve Larson)

    South East: E-TX, E-OK, S-MO, SE-KS, LA, MS, AR (405) 406-7979 (Jason Lee)


    Main Office: (402) 563-3464   (Accounting, Emergencies, Management)

Get your FREE estimate today!

Lagoon Pumping &

Dredging, Inc.
3211 East 19th St.

Suite 200

Columbus, NE 68601  


For Information,
Quotes and Sales:
Call the representative for your area:


North Eastern Sales:


Brian Jakub

(402) 270-1366 - Cell


South Western Sales:

W-TX and TX Panhandle, NM, OK Panhandle, CO, MT, WY, W-KS

Steve Larson

(763) 355-4099 - Cell

(806) 683-5553 - 2nd Cell


South Eastern Sales


Jason Lee

(405) 406-7979 - Cell



Office Phone:

(Accounting, Emergencies, Upper Management)


Fax: 402-564-1696


Email: info@LagoonPumping.com



Or use our contact us form.

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© Lagoon Pumping and Dredging, Inc. • 402-563-3464