Lagoon Pumping is willing to give you a FREE Lagoon Analysis and N-P-K Lab Reports. This includes a sonar sounding of your topwater above the sludge level and sludge and water samples of your lagoon(s).
Print out the PDF file attached below and call one of our representatives to schedule your FREE Lagoon analysis.
One of our Sales Representatives will come out to your lagoon site and take three (3) samples of each of your lagoon(s) you wish us to give you a FREE pumping estimate for. The three lagoon samples will be:
• Top water sample,
• Sludge sample, and
• 1:1 Topwater/Sludge mix sample.
Farmers and land owners want to know what kind of N-P-K nutrients that will be applied to their land. This is especially true if they are paying a fertility payment per acre for the first year available N-P-K nutrient values delivered to their fields.
In addition, most regulatory and MMP (Manure Management Plans) require manure slurry to be applied at agronomic application rates. There is no way you can guess at this other than to get a representative mix of what the slurry will be. While a 1:1 Mix is good representation for planning purposes, the final fertility will be determined by taking samples of the slurry delivered to the field.
Lagoon Pumping crews takes a sample of the slurry delivered to your field on every 30-40 acre field layout. As a customer of Lagoon Pumping & Dredging this is is provided at no cost to you.
Note: This lagoon analysis is NOT a substitute for the work your environmental services company provides you with for your reporting and paperwork necessary to satisfy your State and Federal Regulatory agencies.
Lagoon Pumping & Dredging, Inc.
For information, quotes and sales: Call the representative for your area:
North East: NE, SD, IA, N-MO, NE-KS: (402) 270-1366 (Brian Jakub)
South West: W-TX, NM, W-OK, CO, WY, MT, W-KS: (763) 355-4099 (Steve Larson)
South East: E-TX, E-OK, S-MO, SE-KS, LA, MS, AR (405) 406-7979 (Jason Lee)
Main Office: (402) 563-3464 (Accounting, Emergencies, Management)