Articles of Interest for Lagoon Owners and Producers

As you consider having your lagoons cleaned out by either our pumping or dredging services, you may have questions that we have tried to answer by writing some articles that will help explain the process.  Hopefully this will give you a baseline of information so you can be an informed buyer of our custom lagoon pumping services. You can download or view the PDF articles by clicking on the links below.

Agitation and Manure Solids
Agitation and Manure Solids.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.4 MB]
Agronomic Application Rates for Manure Slurries
This article discusses the environmental regulatory guidelines as well as the method used to determine the agronomical application rates for Manure slurries.
Agronomic Application Rate.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [329.1 KB]
Choosing Your Custom Manure and Wastewater Pumper
What to look for and ask when you are choosing your custom pumper and making a decision on who you should hire to clean out and pump your lagoons.
Choosing Your Pumper.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [58.1 KB]
Determining the Number of Gallons in a Lagoon
Determining Number of Gallons in a Lagoo[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [155.0 KB]
Doing it Yourself or Hiring a Custom Pumper
Doing it yourself or Hiring a Pumper.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [448.0 KB]
Dry Tons Removed vs. Gallons Pumped
This article explains why pumping thicker solids will remove more dry tons of solids or sludge with less overall cost even when you are paying more per gallon pumped.
Dry Tons vs. Gallons.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [99.0 KB]
Estimated Gallons of Effluent in a Square Lagoon
if you know the surface acres or the square feet of surface area then you can use this chart to determine the estimated number of gallons in your lagoon. Figures are calculated using 3:1 slope on lagoon banks and a flat bottom. If you have an uneven bottom or slopes that differ then you will need to call your sales person or look at your as-built lagoon drawings for estimated gallons in your lagoon.
Gallons in Square Lagoon.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [41.5 KB]
Excavation of a Lagoon vs. Pumping a Lagoon
Excavation vs Pumper.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.3 MB]
Exporting Your Manure Slurry
This is an article for manure producers (Dairy, Feedlot, etc.) when they desire to export their manure slurries. It allows a producer to consider the various ways to getting a fair, reasonable and better price for your product.
Exporting Your Manure Slurry.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [94.0 KB]
Fair Value for Exported Manure Slurry
This article discusses what is a fair value for purchasing a manure slurry from a manure producer.It will help a farmer and producer to arrive at a fair price.
Fair Value for Exported Manure Slurry.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [164.8 KB]
Gallons in a Lagoon
This article is a quick guide to determining the number of gallons of water and slurry in a lagoon. This is based upon knowing the square foot or acres of lagoon surface area. Once you know the surface area and the depth of the water you can get a very close estimate of the gallons in the lagoon.
Gallons in Lagoon.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [66.0 KB]
Importance of Sufficient Top Water
Importance of Sufficient Top Water.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [72.4 KB]
Keeping Your Pumper Honest
A well informed customer is a happy customer!
Keeping Your Pumper Honest.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [123.4 KB]
Manure Salts - Good or Bad
A short article on Manure Salts. The primary focus is the adverse affects of Sodium rather than the other manure ionic salt compounds found in a manure slurry.
Manure Salts - Good or Bad.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [381.9 KB]
Negotiating for Exported Manure Slurry
This article explains how a farmer and producer can arrive at a fair price for exported manure slurries. The idea is to create a win-win with all parties realizing they are getting a fair arrangement.
Negotiating of Exported Manure Slurry.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [113.1 KB]
Numbers and Formulas Used in Lagoon Pumping
Numbers, Formulas Used in Pumping.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [94.4 KB]
Price vs. Cost of Manure Pumping
Many manure producers only consider the cost per gallon when selecting a manure pumper. But the real basis of comparison should be the total cost of removing the dry tons of solids from their lagoons. This article discusses the cost per dry ton and shows how paying more for pumping thicker slurries is actually saving the producer money.
Price vs. Cost of Lagoon Pumping.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [362.3 KB]
Pumping to a Manure Drying or Evaporation Containment Area
Pumping to Drying Bed.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [462.0 KB]
Pumping vs. Dredging
This article discusses the differences between pumping a lagoon or lake vs. dredging a lagoon or lake.
Pumping vs Dredging.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.6 MB]
Reduce Your Pumping Cost by Pumping Thicker Solids
Pumping thicker solids does cost the customer more per gallon. BUT it takes fewer gallons to complete the job; thus the overall cost to the customer is less than pumping more gallons of thinner slurry at a cheaper price.
Why thicker solids cost more.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [86.2 KB]
Strategically Placed Culverts are Key to Savings
Culverts are Key to Savings.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [183.4 KB]
Solids Guarantee (If applicable to your situation)
12% Solids Gurantee.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [226.3 KB]
Types of Tool Bars for Manure Slurry Land Application
Types of Application Tool Bars.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.6 MB]
Understanding Your Lab Reports
This article will help a farmer understand the lab reports of the manure slurry applied to their land.
Understanding Lab Reports.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [124.0 KB]
Using Tankers vs Continuous Flow Through Fire Hose to Field
Tanking vs Pumping.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [409.2 KB]
Weight of Various Materials
Use this chart to determine the "weight of a cubic yard" or the "tons in a cubic yard" of various materials. This includes; mud (sludge), earth, sand, clay; all of what you might find in a lagoon. Our certified lab reports the percent of dry material in the slurry sample; this information can be used to extrapolated how many tons or cubic yard of dried manure or sludge was actually removed.
Weights of Various Materials.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [44.5 KB]
When Should You Pump Your Lagoon?
When Should You Pump.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [59.9 KB]
Word About Price
Word about Price.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [768.6 KB]

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Lagoon Pumping &

Dredging, Inc.
3211 East 19th St.

Suite 200

Columbus, NE 68601  


For Information,
Quotes and Sales:
Call the representative for your area:


North Eastern Sales:


Brian Jakub

(402) 270-1366 - Cell


South Western Sales:

W-TX and TX Panhandle, NM, OK Panhandle, CO, MT, WY, W-KS

Steve Larson

(763) 355-4099 - Cell

(806) 683-5553 - 2nd Cell


South Eastern Sales


Jason Lee

(405) 406-7979 - Cell



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Fax: 402-564-1696




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